How To Deploying Marketing Technology?

In this article, I would like to outline the organizational impact of deploying marketing technology. Five staff roles are essential for marketing A-Teams. How do you find new talent and develop their skills to achieve success in a rapidly changing industry?

When the Industrial Revolution emerged around 1800, an interplay of forces caused the pattern of work to change. Before the big industry became manifest, workers provided raw material and artisans processed the raw material into products. However, when the steam engine appeared, which triggered the Industrial Revolution, a company was able to accelerate in both areas, the extraction of raw materials and manufacturing and distribution of products, which in turn led to an increased demand for raw materials. But enough history, let’s get started.

Marketing Automation has a similar effect on how we manage our data, create and deliver our programmes, refine and automate our content. Those who use their data properly have many advantages, but for the right usage you will need some experience. What skills do you need as a personnel manager for your team, and how do you contribute to its development?

•      Data Administrators

The task of your Data Steward is to ensure that every name and every list that you get is imported, modified and deleted according to agreed standards. Incorrect data are regularly deleted from the databases to obtain reliable figures for Sales. This professional should also manage sales made on the address list.

For the selection of your staff you have a number of options: full-time or part-time employees. You will have to look for a great way to develop young people’s skills and to make your marketing more successful.

Outsourcing: If you don’t have the budget for an employee or haven’t found the right person for that position, then outsourcing is a perfect way to start. You get professional advice, you get support in your projects, and upcoming work will be carried out quickly. With continued outsourcing, however, you need to plan well. Make sure that your data is not becoming obsolete.

Tip: Make a personal plan, especially if you are dealing with young professionals. They could soon find the work boring. Think about offering CRM training or training for marketing automation.

  • CRM administrator In B2B marketing, the CRM Administrator is increasingly responsible for marketing reporting should use a common master database. The CRM administrator has an internal function. However, programming and integration work can be outsourced relatively easily.

Tip: If in your company you are not working with an end-to-end reporting solution, enabling you to track requirements and objectives up to the delivery, then ask your current administrator to assist you with your marketing efforts. Pay attention to the questions he’s asking. You will easily discover whether your administrator has a flair for marketing. The right sense is necessary to ask the right questions. If your administrator hasn’t got this sense, then you may need to search for another person.

•      Webmaster

In general, there are three basic areas to be covered: design, code and analysis. Remember that for a good analysis you not only need correct numbers, but also the ability to interpret the data and to recommend and implement a plan. If the visitor traffic on your website is, for example, 20%, an assessment must be made as to whether this value is good or bad and what steps are necessary to be taken.

Tip: If you find a good webmaster who can cover two of your three essential tasks well, offer him a position and outsource the third task.

•      Content Manager

You may have a good copywriter, but a Content Manager must focus on the big picture from a helicopter view. This begins at the structured content creation, to support purchasing decisions and customer loyalty. The communication must be well tuned for marketing automation and needs a common voice.

Tip: Employ a content manager who is up to date with the latest research and techniques in the field. Jointly run discussions with the marketing automation team, so that it is clear how your programmes run. Involve the Content Manager in analysis and testing, so that he understands that not everything that is creative also works.

•      Marketing Automation Specialist

This position requires a whole series of sought-after skills. You need a technical person who thinks like a marketer or a marketer with technical affinity. Required experience includes skills in the areas of the internet, CRM, data, e-mail, and content – in addition to experience in your specific Marketing Automation system. Such candidates are hard to find.

Search in LinkedIn for the word “marketing” and you get 17 million hits. Looking for Marketing Automation will give you 35,400 results. Look for any of the specific products: Aprimo, Eloqua, Marketo, Neolane or Silverpop and there are 26,000 results. These results will show you that you need to look for these candidates by providing the right work environment and a good salary.

Tip: Don’t wait too long in your search for talent. If you can’t find suitable candidates for a permanent position, then you should outsource the work. Initially this will cost a little more, but your freelancer can help you later to incorporate your permanent staff.


In Digital Marketing your marketing team is much more diverse than in traditional marketing. Digital Marketing systems give you the opportunity to develop a conversation with your target market. Systems can work properly only with the right people on board. We have indicated five skills necessary to support your Digital Marketing programmes. Experienced professionals such as a Data Administrator, CRM Administrator, Webmaster, Content Manager and Marketing Automation Specialist can help you achieve success in Digital Marketing.


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